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Selasa, 02 September 2008

Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10

Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10 - welcome to the blog Software Gadget the end of this much calm product information launcing, yes every day there are always products that are removed from various brands, both physical hardware products and software that need new knowledge to use it, well now we will discuss first about Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10 as you search we have collected a lot of data to make this information as complete as possible for you, please read:

Articles : Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10
full Link : Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10

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Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10

Download the appropriate binary from

# create a "cvs" user. This user will be used to impersonate cvs' users

$ mkdir  /export/home/cvsroot
$ useradd -d /home/cvs -c "CVS Owner" cvs
# create the CVS repository
$ cvs -d /path_to_repository
#Add the following to /etc/services
cvspserver 2401/tcp # CVS Client/server operations
cvspserver 2401/udp # CVS Client/server operations
#Place this following line in a file called "cvs_inetd"
cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /path_to_cvs_executable -f \
--allow-root=/path_to_cvs_repository pserver

# import the service into smf
$ inetconv -f -i ./cvs_inetd
cvspserver -> /var/svc/manifest/network/cvspserver-tcp.xml
Importing cvspserver-tcp.xml …Done
#Add the following lines to /var/svc/profile/inetd_services.xml
<service name='network/cvspserver-tcp' version='1' type='service'>
<instance name='default' enabled='true'/>
#Restart the network
$ svcadm restart svc:/network/inetd:default

You're done. Your pserver should be listening on port 2401

#Script to create cvs users



$user = shift @ARGV || die "cvspasswd user\n";
print "Enter password for $user: ";
system "stty -echo";
chomp ($plain = <>);
system "stty echo";
print "\n";
@chars = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9');
$salt = $chars[rand(@chars)] . $chars[rand(@chars)];
$passwd = crypt($plain, $salt);
open(PASSWD,">>$cvsroot/CVSROOT/passwd") || die("Cannot Open File");
print PASSWD "$user:$passwd:cvs\n";
close PASSWD;

$ perl your_cvs_user

so much information Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10

hopefully the information Install and configure CVS on Solaris 10 that we provide can be useful for you in the set of technology products that fit your daily needs,

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