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Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Counting the number of times pressed of Switch , C program in MPLAB X

Counting the number of times pressed of Switch , C program in MPLAB X - welcome to the blog Software Gadget the end of this much calm product information launcing, yes every day there are always products that are removed from various brands, both physical hardware products and software that need new knowledge to use it, well now we will discuss first about Counting the number of times pressed of Switch , C program in MPLAB X as you search we have collected a lot of data to make this information as complete as possible for you, please read:

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Counting the number of times pressed of Switch , C program in MPLAB X

In this program we are going to count the number of times a switch pressed,and displaying it on a LCD .. and each time the switch pressed a LED will lighted up.

First create a new project and add a c main file like in the  steps for  Blinking a LED using MPLAB X , PIC16F877A


1. PIC16F877A micro controller
2. animated LED  
3. A toggle switch
4.16x2 LCD display

Steps in the program

1. define the ports for easy usage 

Defines the control pins of LCD to the 0th,1st and 2nd pin of PORT D
    #define RS RD0
    #define RW RD1
   #define EN RD2
Defines the data port of the  LCD to PORT B
   #define DATA PORTC
Defines switch in the 0th pin of PORT C
   #define S RC0
Defines LED on the 3rd pin of PORT D
   #define L RD3
2. Function declarations .. here we declare 3 functions  and all the 3 functions is for LCD

void LCD_CMD(unsigned int value); //This function is pass the LCD commands
void LCD_DAT(unsigned int value); // this is for pass the DATA to the LCD which is to displayed 
void LCD_INIT(); //this to initialize the LCD
void delay(); // this is to delay the LCD commands 

3. next is main function .. in main function we make 
  •  PORT C as input where we have connected the switch
  •  PORT D as output where we have connected the LED and control pins of LCD
  • PORT B as outout where we have connected DATA pins of LCD
    TRISC  =0x0F;
    TRISD  =0x00;
    TRISB = 0x00;

4. The function LCD_INIT(); is called for initializing the LCD
5. Declared a variable called count, and initialized it to zero
   int count;
6.  we put the LED off 
7. now we are going for a infinite loop by 
8. In the loop we are checking switch is ON or OFF condition
 if the switch is ON ; LED is on and count is incremented by 1 and display the value of count in LCD 

if the Switch is OFF it wait for the condition when the Switch is ON 

schematic diagram 

full Program
 * File:   switchcount.c
 * Author: Ebin Ephrem


#define RS RD0
#define RW RD1
#define EN RD2
#define DATA PORTB
#define S RC0
#define L RD3

void LCD_CMD(unsigned int value);
void LCD_DAT(unsigned int value);
void LCD_INIT();
void delay();

void main(void)
    TRISC  =0x0F;
    TRISD  =0x00;
    TRISB = 0x00;
int count;

if( S == 1)
            L= ~L;
                     count = count+1;
        delay ();
    LCD_DAT('0' + (count % 10));

void LCD_INIT()
    delay ();
    delay ();
    delay ();
    delay ();
    delay ();

    delay ();
void LCD_CMD(unsigned int  value)
    DATA =  value;
    delay ();
    delay ();

void LCD_DAT(unsigned int value)
    DATA= value ;

    delay ();


void delay(void)
    int counter = 0;
    for (counter = 0; counter<1000; counter++) {

so much information Counting the number of times pressed of Switch , C program in MPLAB X

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