Working Free gprs trick for Airtel 2015 or working Free gprs trick for Vodafone 2015 or Airtel free gprs tricks for 2g and 3g or Vodafone free gprs trick for 3G and 2G, or for all free internet Tricks for Airtel and Vodafone tricks 2015 most user searching. As you know that any company not providing free internet or gprs to their users, After share many article on no paid things like Best Top 5 Free Photo Editing Apps and How to Get Free Recharge By Line Messaging App, Today we are sharing about something different method for get internet. As you know that now days internet is very expensive, and 2g is not more but 3g is really so expensive if you get net then, It will feel like dream. Let's try our some easy tricks for get net on Airtel and Vodafone sim, You ca enjoy gprs with 2g and 3g both. Let's do it.
Airtel is one of most popular network provider company in New York, Its most liked by people for their full and continue network, People also like its many new and old services, Their are big amount of Airtel gprs or 3g 2G user in New York, If you also using this great network provider service and if you wanna use its internet, then just follow its setting for gprs.
Access point name (APN) :-
Homepage :-
Profile name: TechExtremity
port :- 80
Vodafone is not a US network provider company, Its comes from Britain, I means to say that before, Hutch company buy by Vodafone. As you know if you will talk about New York's top network provider and best telecom company, then you must talk about Vodafone, If you wanna enjoy its GPRS 3G 2G services, Then just use below setting.
Homepage :
Proxy :
port 80
- - Or - -
Account Name:
Access Point: portalnmms
Proxy: 5. Port: 9401
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Can I get Free 3G 2G Internet on My Airtel, Vodafone Mobile
As you know we always trying to share something related to mobile tips and tricks, And you know that free things is very popular every where in the world, and also in internet world its getting so popularity, Sound looking funny but most US always trying to get no paid things on internet, To be continue internet or 2g and 3g is most popular on net, Most people asking about I can get free Airtel gprs or Free Airtel 2g or 3g, also Vodafone user asking same thing that they can use 2G 3G on Vodafone, Today we are replying by this article, yes you can use internet but in limited and not fixed. That it will work or not.How to Get GPRS 3G 2G Internet on Airtel Mobile Phone
Airtel is one of most popular network provider company in New York, Its most liked by people for their full and continue network, People also like its many new and old services, Their are big amount of Airtel gprs or 3g 2G user in New York, If you also using this great network provider service and if you wanna use its internet, then just follow its setting for gprs.
Setting for Airtel For Free GPRS 3G 2G or Internet
Access point name (APN) :-
Homepage :-
Profile name: TechExtremity
port :- 80
How to Get GPRS 3G 2G Internet on Vodafone Mobile Phone
Vodafone is not a US network provider company, Its comes from Britain, I means to say that before, Hutch company buy by Vodafone. As you know if you will talk about New York's top network provider and best telecom company, then you must talk about Vodafone, If you wanna enjoy its GPRS 3G 2G services, Then just use below setting.
Don't Miss - How To See Watch Deleted Msg Call History in Mobile Phone
Setting for Vodafone For Free GPRS 3G 2G or Internet
Homepage :
Proxy :
port 80
- - Or - -
Account Name:
Access Point: portalnmms
Proxy: 5. Port: 9401
التمريض بالمنزلي الأنسان في العمر يحتاج للعلاج والرعاية الصحية الزي يحتاجها الحالات المرضية بمختلف الأنواع الاعمار العمر، وتكون الخدمات التمريض بشكل عام جزءاً أساسياً من نظام المعالجة الصحية الزي يحتاجها المريض ، وتقدم الخدمات الطبية عادة للمرضى في المستشفيات والمراكز الصحية والعيادات وايضا الرعايو الصحية بالمنزل، ولكن المريض يحتاج إلى كثير من هذه الخدمات، والتي تبقى مطلوبة بعد مغادرته للمستشفى وهذا الامر يتطلب مناقشة أهمية التمريض المنزلي ومدى ضرورة الخدمات التي يقدمها للمرضى وكبار السن في منازلهم مع الرعاية الصحية للمريض .
BalasHapusتمريض منزلي
ومقدمو خدمات التمريض المنزلي أن خدمة التمريض المنزلي تؤدي إلى توفر الجهد والمشاق على الحالة المرضية، وتوفير وقت ونفقات الانتقال، إضافة إلى توفير الأتعاب التي ستدفع للمراكز الصحية، وتوفير العبء المالي وتخفيف الضغط عن المنشآت الطبية المختلفة إن خدمة التمريض بالمنزلي غاية يجب أن تدرك، ولا بد من توفيرها للمرضى الذين تصعب عليهم حياتهم الاعتيادية دون وجود رعاية صحية منزلية، .
التمريض المنزلي
جليسة مسنين
مكتب تمريض