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Selasa, 27 September 2016

Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week #Nevertoolate

Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week #Nevertoolate - welcome to the blog Software Gadget the end of this much calm product information launcing, yes every day there are always products that are removed from various brands, both physical hardware products and software that need new knowledge to use it, well now we will discuss first about Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week #Nevertoolate as you search we have collected a lot of data to make this information as complete as possible for you, please read:

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    Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week #Nevertoolate

    Distracted by something strange in your neighbourhood last week? Forgot to read the IPKat with as much attention as usual? Don't worry, the IPKat team can always be relied upon to answer the call for a quick summary: here's the 115th edition of Never Too Late.
    Who you gonna call?

    Book Review: Arnold reviews "Economic Approaches to Intellectual Property"

    This new book by Kat Dr Nicola Searle and Martin Brassell provides an introduction to the economics of intellectual property for lawyers, managers and policymakers.

    The English approach to obviousness - It all depends on the facts?

    A lively discussion of the English approach to obviousness as applied in the Hospira v Genotech patent revocation application. Darren Smyth says "the insistence on the statutory question as the sole standard for assessing obviousness is welcome as a matter of law, but the multi-factorial and fact-dependent nature of the assessment must make it difficult to predict how an English court will judge the validity of a patent."

    AIPPI Congress Report 3: Biosimilars – similar but different?

    Catch up on the AIPPI Pharma panel session dedicated to the burgeoning world of biosimilars. Panellists from Pfizer, Sandoz GmbH and Taiwan's National Yunlin University debated the global regulatory, substitution and interchangeability issues affecting biosimilars, before giving an overview of relevant patent litigation strategies. Thanks to Bristows patent litigator Vanessa Rieu for the story.

    AIPPI Congress Report 4: Lawyers who lunch - role of experts in litigation and the EPO in the 21st Century

    EPO President Benoit Battistelli stressed the importance of quality and efficiency at the EPO in the face of an increasing quantity and complexity of applications. Report from Baker & Mckenzie LLP's Tanvi Shah.

    Law & Economics - The Italian Edition

    Nicola Searle reports from The European Association of Law & Economics (EALE) conference in Bologna.

    Friday Fantasies

    Roundup post of the week's news and forthcoming events.

    Latest thoughts about Brexit and the UPC

    Ellie Wilson analyses the recently published Opinion by Richard Gordon QC and Tom Pascoe, which says that it is potentially legally possible for the UK to participate in the UPC following Brexit.

    Eye ‘should’ve’ done that! – Specsavers nears approval to trade mark single word “should’ve” & “shouldve”

    The Specsavers slogan story, brought to you by law student Kishan Mathy.

    A song of Ice and Ice

    Iceland, a country famous for the northern lights, skyr yoghurt, and their recent performance in the Euros, has made headlines this week for threatening the trade mark rights of a major UK supermarket. Emma Perot takes up the tale.

    ChIPs Global Summit Report 3: Congratulations - your patent has been allowed, when is it finally final?

    The Amerikat summarises the problems of a dual track system from the US perspective.


    Never too late 114 [week ending on Sunday 18 September] | Commissioner unveils new copyright package | Open letter from Wikimedia et al on copyright package| Globalisation, Globalisation, Globalisation| Philip Morris loses investment arbitration | EPIP highlights | 20 million thanks | Tea & trade secret theft | Patent quality conference | free wifi networks & copyright infringement | Chiefs in Intellectual Property summit | Innovation and its discontents | GS Media rapid response event summary | AIPPI Congress reports
    Never too late 113 [week ending on Sunday 11 September] Clinical trial data | Parody and free use in Germany | Infringing donuts | CJEU decision in GS Media | Fujifilm Kyowa v AbbVie | UK and the UPC | General Data Protection Regulation | Changes to IPO rules | Book review: European Patent Litigation in the Shadow of the Unified Patent Court | General Electric and 3D printing | EPLAW mock trials
    Never too late 112 [week ending on Sunday 4 September] 3 Cubist antibiotic patents revoked| Milan Court rejects application for 'blank' blocking order | Leaked copyright draft directive| Thursday Titibits | Super Kat exclusive| Mexico's new opposition system | EU General Data Protection Regulation | Hospira v Cubist | My My Mylan | Kasting Kall for Internkats
    Never too late 111 [week ending on Sunday 28 August] Branding and rebranding of infidelity and Ashley Madison | Passive hosting providers and third party content | Safe harbours and the E-commerce directive | BREAKING: Leaked Commission Impact Assessment | GS Media rapid response event | Singapore Copyright reform


    so much information Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week #Nevertoolate

    hopefully the information Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week #Nevertoolate that we provide can be useful for you in the set of technology products that fit your daily needs,

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